Observation of the γγ→ττ Process in Pb+Pb Collisions and Constraints on the τ-Lepton Anomalous Magnetic Moment with the ATLAS Detector

ATLAS Publications, T.M. Carter, R.Y. Gonzalez Andana, A. Hasib, M.P. Heath, S. Palazzo, V.A. Parrish, E.P. Takeva, N. Themistokleous, E.M. Villhauer, E. Zaid

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

This Letter reports the observation of τ-lepton-pair production in ultraperipheral lead-lead collisions Pb+Pb→Pb(γγ→ττ)Pb and constraints on the τ-lepton anomalous magnetic moment aτ. The dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 1.44  nb−1 of LHC Pb+Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02  TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment in 2018. Selected events contain one muon from a τ-lepton decay, an electron or charged-particle track(s) from the other τ-lepton decay, little additional central-detector activity, and no forward neutrons. The γγ→ττ process is observed in Pb+Pb collisions with a significance exceeding 5 standard deviations and a signal strength of μττ=1.03+0.06−0.05 assuming the standard model value for aτ. To measure aτ, a template fit to the muon transverse-momentum distribution from τ-lepton candidates is performed, using a dimuon (γγ→μμ) control sample to constrain systematic uncertainties. The observed 95% confidence-level interval for aτ is −0.057<aτ<0.024.
Original languageEnglish
Article number151802
Pages (from-to)1-23
Number of pages23
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number15
Publication statusPublished - 12 Oct 2023


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