title = "OCEANS: Optimizing Compilers for Embedded Applications",
abstract = "This paper describes the recently funded ESPRIT project OCEANS. Its aim is to investigate and develop advanced compiler infrastructure for embedded VLIW processors, such as the Philips TriMedia. Such processors promise high performance at low unit cost. This paper outlines the project's aims, presents the compiler infrastructure and its application to a typical case study.",
author = "Bas Aarts and Fran{\c c}ois Bodin and Michel Barreteau and Peter Brinkhaus and Zbigniew Chamski and Henri-Pierre Charles and Christine Eisenbeis and Gurd, {John R.} and Jan Hoogerbrugge and Ping Hu and William Jalby and Knijnenburg, {Peter M. W.} and O'Boyle, {Michael F. P.} and Erven Rohou and Rizos Sakellariou and Henk Schepers and Andr{\'e} Seznec and Elena St{\"o}hr and Marco Verhoeven and Wijshoff, {Harry A. G.}",
year = "1997",
doi = "10.1007/BFb0002894",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-3-540-63440-9",
series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
publisher = "Springer",
pages = "1351--1356",
booktitle = "Euro-Par '97 Parallel Processing",
address = "United Kingdom",