Parasitic effects of load introduction points in full-scale composite tidal turbine blade tests

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

Abstract / Description of output

There has been a significant increase in the development of tidal energy to enhance its competitiveness compared to other renewable sources. This growth requires dedicated fatigue testing facilities for composite tidal turbine blades. In the first decades of the tidal industry, blade load introduction methods from the wind energy sector were adopted for onshore testing. However, the relevant wind energy standards determine an unsuitable area up to one blade chord length on both sides of the blade load introduction zone from stress data analysis. This study focuses on investigating the impact of concentrated forces applied to the surface of a composite blade, particularly examining its behaviour in the inter-saddle zones. To study this effect, a full-scale composite tidal blade was tested at FastBlade using actuators. During the test, multiple measuring devices and Digital Image Correlation were employed to analyse the structural response of the blade while one of the three saddles was clamped. The clamping pressure was mapped on the blade's surface, revealing a smaller disturbed area that could reduce the number of tests required to analyse the entire blade. This disturbed area is found to vary not only as a function of the chord length, but also the blade geometry and the saddle system parameters.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication 60th Annual British Conference on Non-Destructive Testing
PublisherBritish Institute of Non-Destructive Testing
Number of pages12
ISBN (Electronic)978 0 903132 80 X, 9781713874836
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 12 Sept 2023
Event 60th Annual British Conference on Non-Destructive Testing - Northampton, United Kingdom
Duration: 12 Sept 202314 Sept 2023


Conference 60th Annual British Conference on Non-Destructive Testing
Abbreviated titleNDT2023
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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