Parenting Support Framework Evaluation Final Report

Louise Marryat, Thomson L, M McGranachan, S Barry, F Sim, J White, P Wilson

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

Abstract / Description of output

This report addresses the implementation of the Parenting Support Framework in Glasgow between 2009 and 2013.
• During this period a total of 730 practitioners were trained in Triple P interventions.
• Over 30,000 Triple P interventions were delivered to families (including single interventions to 12,432 families, seminars to 13,645, Primary Care to 2,527, and Group Triple P to 2,144).
• Somewhat fewer than half of families completed Primary Care and Group Triple P interventions. The number of families recruited to interventions fell during the report period, but the number of completed interventions increased.
• In general, families with greater problems than those in the general population were more likely to attend Group Triple P sessions, but those with more severe problems were less likely to complete interventions.
• Families living in more deprived areas were more likely to start Triple P interventions than those living in affluent areas but more affluent and more highly educated families were more likely to complete Triple P interventions.
• Families completing interventions reported high levels of satisfaction with Triple P, and reported improvements in parenting behaviours, emotional wellbeing and child behaviour.
• It is not possible to be sure whether these improvements were a result of the intervention or whether they represent the passage of time or ‘regression to the mean’. This uncertainty, coupled with low completion rates, renders assessment of the effectiveness of interventions impossible.
• Practitioners were generally satisfied with the Triple P approach to parenting support but some practitioners expressed negative views about a target-driven approach and some considered Triple P was inappropriate for some families.
• Some practitioners and many parents are unfamiliar with the different forms of Triple P and consequently some referrals may be inappropriate. 6 • There are substantial inequalities in social and emotional functioning among the population of children at ages 30 months, 5, 7, 10 and 11-14 years. These inequalities seem to increase as children get older.
• There appear to be factors specific to neighbourhoods, independent of socioeconomic deprivation, which impact upon child social and emotional wellbeing.
• Social and emotional functioning among the population of children in Glasgow is broadly in line with figures from the UK as a whole, once levels of deprivation are allowed for.
• The social and emotional functioning of the population of children aged five years did not change during the implementation of the Parenting Support Framework.
• There is evidence that the infrastructure for provision and monitoring parenting support is improving and there is good cause for optimism in relation to future service provision.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherNHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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