
Anne Bevan, Kathryn Darling, Ian Butler, Alan Jamieson

Research output: Other contribution


'Particle' is an interdisciplinary project involving Visual Art, Creative Writing and Marine Sciences, exploring the microscopic marine environment.

Over a period of 4 years I have been developing research alongside Professor Kate Darling and Dr Ian Butler from the University of Edinburgh department of GeoSciences. Looking at single cell organisms known as foraminifera, the project has involved using DNA analysis, microscopic CT scanning imaging techniques, and 3D printing with an aim: ‘to make visible the invisible’.

The project has involved a developing new work in sculpture, print, video and photography, which has been exhibited in several exhibitions and will be published in a book with Andrea Roe. This publication will be a collaboration with creative writers writers Janice Galloway, Spence, Professor Alan Spence, Robert Alan Jamieson and Jen Hadfield. It is supported by Cape Farewell, the Hope Scott Trust and Creative Scotland.

Alongside the exhibitions, there have been numerous workshops, talks and presentations to the general public and at scientific meetings; a journal essay is being prepared the the journal Antennae.

Further research is being developed with artists and scientists based at RMIT Australia.
Original languageEnglish
Typeresearch project with multiple outputs
Publication statusPublished - 2013

Keywords / Materials (for Non-textual outputs)

  • art, science, marine biology, creative writing


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  • A North Light - Cynasure

    Bevan, A., 2008

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition

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