PICTURE HOOKS: getting the hang of illustrating children's picture books: Scottish National Gallery

Jonathan Gibbs (Photographer)

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


Picture Hooks was set up to encourage emerging Scottish illustrators and to provide an opportunity for development under the guidance of established professional illustrators.

Mentors and illustrators selected by committee, (Lucy Jukes, Vivian French, Jonathan Gibbs, Linda McCLelland):

Lesley Burns - Ross Collins (mentor); Laura Clark - Alison Murray; Naomi Howarth - Caherine Rayner; Kasia Matyjaszek - Sue Heap; Stuart Simpson - Natalie Russell.

The exhibition consisted of framed artworks by all five illustrators, and examples of work by their mentors. The glass cabinets showed sketchbooks and developmental work.
The Picure Hooks exhibition was curated by Linda McClelland, Playfair Education Officer NGS, and was attended by 90,000 visitors.

Orchard Books Award: Stuart Simpson
Picture Hooks Award: Laura Clark
Prizes given out by: John Byrne

Catalogue/Broadsheet text: Toads and Diamonds, by Jonathan Gibbs

A second Picture Hooks Conference and mentoring launch will be held at ECA in September 2014
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2013


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