Place, pedagogy and play: Participation, design and research with children

Matluba Khan*, Simon Bell, Jenny Wood

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Book/ReportBook

Abstract / Description of output

Place, Pedagogy and Play connects landscape architecture with education, psychology, public health and planning. Over the course of thirteen chapters it examines how design and research of places can be approached through multiple lenses - of pedagogy and play and how children, as competent social agents, are engaged in the process of designing their own spaces - and brings a global perspective to the debate around child-friendly environments. Despite growing evidence of the benefits of nature for health, wellbeing, play and learning, children are increasingly spending more time indoors. Indeed, new policy ideas and public campaigns suggest how children can become better connected with nature, yet linking outdoor space to pedagogy is largely overlooked in research. By focusing on three themes within these debates, place and play; place and pedagogy; and place and participation, this book explores a variety of angles to show that best practice requires dialogue between research disciplines, designers, educationists and psychologists, and a move beyond seeing the spaces children inhabit as the domain only of childhood professionals. Through illustrated case studies this book presents a wider picture of the state of childhood today, and offers practical solutions and further research avenues that promote a more holistic and internationally focused perspective on place, pedagogy and play for built-environment professionals.

Original languageEnglish
PublisherTaylor & Francis
Number of pages234
ISBN (Electronic)9780429659881
ISBN (Print)9780367086367
Publication statusPublished - 29 Jul 2020


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