Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2)-infection and re-inoculation with homologous or heterologous strains: virological, serological, pathological and clinical effects in growing pigs.

T. Opriessnig, J.R. Prickett, D.M. Madson, H.G. Shen, N.M. Juhan, R.R. Pogranichniy, X.J. Meng, P.G. Halbur

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Long-term PCV2 infection and/or concurrent infection with genotypes PCV2a and PCV2b may play a role in the development of clinical porcine circovirus-associated disease (PCVAD). To evaluate this premise, 24 11-week-old specific pathogen-free (SPF) pigs were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments: negative controls, a single inoculation with PCV2a, single inoculation followed by re-inoculation with a homologous PCV2a strain, or repeated inoculations with heterologous strains (PCV2a, PCV2b). Pigs were evaluated for clinical signs daily through 140 days post inoculation (dpi). Serum samples were collected every other day from dpi 0 through 14 and weekly thereafter. PCV2-inoculated pigs were viremic by dpi 2 and 13 of 18 pigs remained viremic at 140 dpi. No statistical differences in the onset, level, or duration of PCV2 viremia were detected among treatment groups. Anti-PCV2 antibodies were detected between 14 and 28 dpi and were present through 140 dpi without statistical differences in antibody response among treatment groups. In the current study, pigs had extended viremia combined with detectable tissue PCV2 antigen levels despite the presence of high levels of anti-PCV2 antibody; however, no clinical disease was observed. INRA, EDP Sciences, 2010.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)31
Number of pages1
JournalVeterinary Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2010


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