Possible topological contribution to the anomalous Hall effect of non-collinear ferromagnet Fe3Sn2

Christopher O'Neill, Andrew S Wills, Andrew Huxley

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The magnetisation, magnetoresistance and Hall eect of the kagome structured material Fe3Sn2 is reported for high quality single crystals. Previous investigations of Fe3Sn2 polycrystals detected ferromagnetism at Tc 657 K with moments along the easy c-axis and a moment rotation towards the a-b plane on cooling that culminates in moments freezing to form a spin glass at TF 80 K.
The results presented here for single crystals show a lower value of TF = 70 2:5 K most likely due to the increased sample quality. Above TF we identify a topological contribution to the Hall resistivity coinciding with an anomalous magnetoresistance. This supports recent proposals that the magnetic structure contains magnetic Skyrmions in this temperature range.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysical review B
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 18 Nov 2019


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