Profit Maximization in Hub Location Problems with Flow-Dependent Price: Formulations and Benders Decomposition

Dung Tran, Nader Azizi (Supervisor), Thomas W Archibald (Supervisor)

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract

Abstract / Description of output

This research addresses a capacitated single assignment hub location problem with profit optimization objective. A deterministic model is introduced, in which the price of serving demands between the origin - destination pairs depends on the accumulated flow traversed through inter-hub and distribution arcs. The deterministic formulation is extended as a two-stage stochastic program by incorporating demand uncertainty. To solve the models in a timely fashion, exact algorithms based on Benders decomposition are proposed. Computational experiments are presented and analyzed.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventCanadian Operational Research Society’s 64th Annual Conference - HEC Montreal, Montreal, Canada
Duration: 29 May 202331 May 2023


ConferenceCanadian Operational Research Society’s 64th Annual Conference
City Montreal


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