Rabat Stories

Noe Mendelle (Producer), Flore Cosquer (Other)

Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products


This is part of "Stories of cities" series. I created this travelling workshop from one city to another in order to get local filmmakers to celebrate where they live. The idea is to relay creative documentary skills in developing and emerging countries in order for new talent to have creative tools to explore their new sense of identity and empower them to be in control of their own national image.
Those 4 short films came out of the Rabat/Morrocco intensive workshops and will now travel international festivals, showing that quiet stories behind the deadlines have the power to move an audience.

Those short films are perfect educational tools for universities and schools. SDI and British Council distributes the film world wide.

directors & titles:
Mohamed Benabou Bitter Return
Azeddine Bouhmidi El Mikhali
Redouane Harbal Hand and Four Fingers
Fatima Zahra El Fath Men Choufouch
Original languageOther
PublisherScottish Documentary Institute
Media of outputFilm
Publication statusPublished - 15 Nov 2011
EventDocumentary Filmmaking Workshop - Rabat, Morocco
Duration: 11 Nov 201119 Aug 2012

Keywords / Materials (for Non-textual outputs)

  • morocco

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