Reactivity of Hydrogen-Helium and Hydrogen-Nitrogen Mixtures at High Pressures

Robin Turnbull, Miriam Peña-Alvarez, Mary Ellen Donnelly, Mengnan Wang, Philip Dalladay-Simpson, Ho Kwang Mao, Ross T. Howie, Cheng Ji, Eugene Gregoryanz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Through a series of Raman spectroscopy studies, we investigate the behavior of hydrogen-helium and hydrogen-nitrogen mixtures at high pressure across a wide range of concentrations. We find that there is no evidence of chemical association or increased miscibility of hydrogen and helium in the solid state up to pressures of 250 GPa at 300 K. In contrast, we observe the formation of concentration-dependent N2-H2 van der Waals solids, which react to form N-H bonded compounds above 50 GPa. Through this combined study, we can demonstrate that the recently reported chemical association of H2-He can be attributed to significant N2 contamination and subsequent formation of N2-H2 compounds.

Original languageEnglish
Article number195702
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - 9 Nov 2018


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