Recommendations and Guidelines for Engaging Communities with Agencies and Policy Bodies Using Powerful Deliberate Practices

Melanie Woods, Ioan Fazey, Drew Hemment

Research output: Other contribution

Abstract / Description of output

This report constitutes the first of a series of deliverables which focus on moving from awareness and knowledge of environmental issues, to action for change and transformation. There are key challenges that need to be overcome for research to meaningfully contribute to the vision of social change and social innovation in Collective Awareness Platforms.We propose a definition of Powerful Deliberate Practices (PDP) can begin to articulate the tools, activities, and processes used by change makers that stand out from the many other approaches.These approaches are particularly useful for facilitating social innovation or social change as transformative rather than marginal. PDP can provide an as yet untapped opportunity for transdisciplinary teams to engage more directly in facilitating the kinds of innovations that may radically influence the fundamental systems on which we depend.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEuropean Commission
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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