Reconciliation En Minga: Indigenous Video and Social Justice in Colombia

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Abstract / Description of output

The Colombian National Commission for Reconciliation and Reparation (CNRR) was created in 2005 as part of the Justice and Peace Law (975). For many, the Justice and Peace Law inadequately responded to victims' demands, instead offering a legal exit strategy to provide impunity for the victimisers. In this scenario, how does the statist ‘path to reconciliation’ compare to the course mapped in the hands of Indigenous videomakers? In this article, I analyse the work of the Tejido de Comunicación (ACIN) and another collective, Cineminga, both based in the southwest Andean region of Colombia, in order to consider how their videos intervene in the reconciliation debate. I argue that such representations populate spaces of statist discourse – truth, reparation, reconciliation – with a revised and expanded sense of social justice. This resonates with Marisol de la Cadena's suggestion that Andean indigeneity is challenging hegemonic understandings of politics by summoning ‘other-than-human beings’ (2010: 350). Indigenous videos and festivals thus present spaces of intercultural communication, where the significance of the land may offer the potential for wider civic engagement with difference, representing a symbolic and conceptual challenge to existing interpretations of reconciliation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)169-194
JournalJournal of Latin American Cultural Studies
Issue number2
Early online date4 Jun 2013
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jun 2013


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