title = "Reconstructing Iron Age to Roman period diet from bioarchaeological remains: preliminary results from Boğazk{\"o}y, north-central Anatolia",
author = "Catriona Pickard and Claudia Caldeira and Ninke Harten and Handan {\"U}st{\"u}ndağ and Ulf-Dietrich Schoop and Laszlo Bartosiewicz and Andreas Schachner",
year = "2017",
month = may,
language = "English",
isbn = "978-605-9680-39-4",
volume = "23",
series = "BYZAS 23",
pages = "239--256",
editor = "Andreas Schachner",
booktitle = "Innovation Versus Beharrung Was Macht den Unterschied des Hethitischen Reichs im Anatolien des 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr.?",