Reorientational versus Kerr dark and grey solitary waves using modulation theory

Gaetano Assanto, Timothy Marchant, Antonmaria Minzoni, Noel Smyth

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We develop a modulation theory model based on a Lagrangian formulation to investigate the evolution of dark and grey optical spatial solitary waves for both the defocusing nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation and the nematicon equations describing nonlinear beams, nematicons, in self-defocusing nematic liquid crystals. Since it has an exact soliton solution, the defocusing NLS equation is used as a test bed for the modulation theory applied to the nematicon equations, which have no exact solitary wave solution. We find that the evolution of dark and grey NLS solitons, as well as nematicons, is entirely driven by the emission of diffractive radiation, in contrast to the evolution of bright NLS solitons and bright nematicons. Moreover, the steady nematicon profile is non-monotonic due to the long range nonlocality associated with the perturbation of the optic axis. Excellent agreement is
obtained with numerical solutions of both the defocusing NLS and nematicon equations. The comparisons for the nematicon solutions raise a number of subtle issues relating to the definition and measurement of the width of a
dark or grey nematicon.
Original languageEnglish
Article number066602
Number of pages12
JournalPhysical Review E
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2011


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