Restricted randomized benchmarking with universal gates of fixed sequence length

Mohsen Mehrani, Kasra Masoudi, Rawad Mezher, Elham Kashefi, Debasis Sadhukhan

Research output: Working paperPreprint


The standard randomized benchmarking protocol requires access to often complex operations that are not always directly accessible. Compiler optimization does not always ensure equal sequence length of the directly accessible universal gates for each random operation. We introduce a version of the RB protocol that creates Haar-randomness using a directly accessible universal gate set of equal sequence length rather than relying upon a t-design or even an approximate one. This makes our protocol highly resource efficient and practical for small qubit numbers. We exemplify our protocol for creating Haar-randomness in the case of single and two qubits. Benchmarking our result with the standard RB protocol, allows us to calculate the overestimation of the average gate fidelity as compared to the standard technique. We augment our findings with a noise analysis which demonstrates that our method could be an effective tool for building accurate models of experimental noise.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 8 May 2024


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