Romantic Theatre Studies: State-of-the field and new ways forward

Francesca Saggini

Research output: Other contribution

Abstract / Description of output

The seminar builds on the research and teaching experience of five speakers operating in four national contexts (Ireland, Italy, UK, USA) to draw a tentative map of the evolving domain of Theatre Studies from a transdisciplinary and multinational perspective. Each panellist will present their present and future engagement with Romantic Theatre Studies by way of their research projects and current scholarship. Among the topics discussed in this seminar: Theatre and Disability, Theatre Econom(etr)ics, Theatre and Celebrity, Theatre and Gender, Opening the Romantic Theatre Canon. Issues of pedagogy and stage revival will be addressed as well, with Romantic Theatre in the classroom, on stage and in the canon. Two speakers will be able to share their experience as major EU-funded awardees, addressing the call of/for public-facing humanities and Theatre Studies. Our speakers include Sarah Burdett (St Mary’s University), Helen Dallas (University of Oxford), Essaka Joshua (The University of Notre Dame), David O’Shaughnessy (NUI Galway), Francesca Saggini (University of Edinburgh).
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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