Searches for third-generation scalar leptoquarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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Abstract / Description of output

Limits are set on the pair production of scalar leptoquarks, where all possible decays of the leptoquark into a quark ($t$, $b$) and a lepton ($\tau$, $\nu$) of the third generation are considered. The limits are presented as a function of the leptoquark mass and the branching ratio into charged leptons for up-type ($\mathrm{LQ}_{3}^{u}$ $\rightarrow t \nu / b \tau$) and down-type ($\mathrm{LQ}_{3}^{d}$ $\rightarrow b \nu / t \tau$) leptoquarks. Many results are reinterpretations of previously published ATLAS searches. In all cases, LHC proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector in 2015 and 2016 are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb$^{-1}$. Masses below 800 GeV are excluded for both $\mathrm{LQ}_{3}^{u}$ and $\mathrm{LQ}_{3}^{d}$ independently of the branching ratio, with masses below about 1 TeV being excluded for the limiting cases of branching ratios equal to zero or unity.
Original languageEnglish
Article number144
Journal Journal of High Energy Physics
Publication statusPublished - 28 Jun 2019


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