Signal yields, energy resolution, and recombination fluctuations in liquid xenon

D. S. Akerib, S. Alsum, H. M. Araújo, X. Bai, A. J. Bailey, J. Balajthy, P. Beltrame, A. Bernstein, T. P. Biesiadzinski, E. M. Boulton, R. Bramante, P. Brás, D. Byram, S. B. Cahn, M. C. Carmona-benitez, A. A. Chiller, C. Chiller, A. Currie, J. E. Cutter, T. J. R. DavisonA. Dobi, J. E. Y. Dobson, E. Druszkiewicz, B. N. Edwards, C. H. Faham, S. Fiorucci, R. J. Gaitskell, V. M. Gehman, M. G. D. Gilchriese, M. Hanhardt, S. J. Haselschwardt, S. A. Hertel, D. P. Hogan, M. Horn, D. Q. Huang, C. M. Ignarra, M. Ihm, R. G. Jacobsen, W. Ji, K. Kamdin, K. Kazkaz, D. Khaitan, R. Knoche, N. A. Larsen, B. G. Lenardo, K. T. Lesko, A. Lindote, M. I. Lopes, A. Manalaysay, R. L. Mannino, M. F. Marzioni, D. N. Mckinsey, D.-m. Mei, J. Mock, M. Moongweluwan, J. A. Morad, C. Nehrkorn, H. N. Nelson, F. Neves, K. O’sullivan, K. C. Oliver-mallory, K. J. Palladino, E. K. Pease, P. Phelps, L. Reichhart, C. Rhyne, S. Shaw, T. A. Shutt, C. Silva, M. Solmaz, V. N. Solovov, P. Sorensen, S. Stephenson, T. J. Sumner, M. Szydagis, B. P. Tennyson, P. A. Terman, D. R. Tiedt, W. H. To, M. Tripathi, L. Tvrznikova, S. Uvarov, J. R. Verbus, R. C. Webb, T. J. Whitis, M. S. Witherell, F. L. H. Wolfs, K. Yazdani, Alexander Murphy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Article number012008
JournalPhysical Review D, particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jan 2017

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