Simultaneous measurement of the F-18(p,p)F-18 and F-18(p,alpha)O-15 reactions: Implications for the level structure of Ne-19, and for F-18 production in novae

A. St. J. Murphy, A. M. Laird, C. Angulo, L. Buchmann, T. Davinson, P. Descouvemont, S. P. Fox, J. Jose, R. Lewis, C. Ruiz, K. Vaughan, P. Walden, Alex Murphy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

The largest nuclear physics uncertainty in studies of gamma-ray emission from novae arises from the F-18(p,alpha)O-15 reaction rate that affects the abundance of F-18. Direct measurements have been made of the F-18(p,p)F-18 and F-18(p,alpha)O-15 reaction differential cross sections in the energy range 0.6 <= E-c.m.<= 1.6 MeV. Several resonances have been observed in both measurements, with simultaneous R-matrix fits used to determine the properties of corresponding states in Ne-19. A recently reported state at 7.420 MeV is not seen, while new states are seen including one of J(pi)=3/2(+). A candidate for a recently predicted broad J(pi)=1/2(+) state is seen, which would have significant impact on the low energy F-18(p,alpha)O-15 reaction rate, but its alpha width is significantly smaller than expected.

Original languageEnglish
Article number058801
Pages (from-to)-
Number of pages4
JournalPhysical Review C
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2009


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