SNP discovery In Zebu And African Taurine Cattle by whole genome sequencing of pooled DNA

H.A. Noyes, S.L. Anderson, A.L. Archibald, K. Ashelford, D. Bradely, H.A. Finlayson, S. Kay, S.J. Kemp, Andy Law, Zen Lu, S. Smith, R. Talbot, M. Agaba, N. Hall

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract

Abstract / Description of output

African taurine and Zebu cattle breeds differ in their susceptibility to many diseases, particularly trypanosomiasis and rinderpest. African taurine breeds have been evolving in Africa for over 6000 years and have high levels of resistance or tolerance to many endemic diseases. However introduced Bos indicus (zebu) animals are rapidly replacing the taurine breeds. Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle are believed to have diverged over 200,000 years ago making it likely that there will be large numbers of differences between taurine and indicine genomes. In order to monitor the introgression of the indicine genome into Africa we have obtained whole genome shotgun sequence of the African taurine N'Dama breed and the zebu Boran. Pools of DNA from ten Boran and twenty N'Dama were sequenced to at least ten times coverage. The primary analysis of the genome will identify informative SNP between the two breeds that can be used to develop African SNP chips. The genomes were sequenced from paired-end and mate pair libraries. We will use this information to identify structural variation and genome rearrangements between these very divergent breeds and the European taurine cattle represented by the Hereford reference genome.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pagesabstract P059
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventPlant & Animal Genomes XVIII Conference - San Diego, United States
Duration: 9 Jan 201013 Jan 2010


ConferencePlant & Animal Genomes XVIII Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySan Diego

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