Sound Morphologies Due To Non-Linear Interactions: Towards A Perceptive Control Of Environmental Sound-Synthesis Processes

Samuel Poirot, Stefan Bilbao, Mitsuko Aramaki, Richard Kronland Martinet

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


This paper is concerned with perceptual control strategies for phys- ical modeling synthesis of vibrating resonant objects colliding non- linearly with rigid obstacles. For this purpose, we investigate sound morphologies from samples synthesized using physical modeling for non-linear interactions. As a starting point, we study the effect of linear and non-linear springs and collisions on a single-degree- of-freedom system and on a stiff strings. We then synthesize real- istic sounds of a stiff string colliding with a rigid obstacle. Numer- ical simulations allowed the definition of specific signal patterns characterizing the non linear behavior of the interaction according to the attributes of the obstacle. Finally, a global description of the sound morphology associated with this type of interaction is proposed. This study constitutes a first step towards further per- ceptual investigations geared towards the development of intuitive synthesis controls.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 21st International Conference on Digital Audio Effects
Place of PublicationAveiro, Portugal
PublisherUniversity of Aveiro
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 5 Sept 2018


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