Sounding time and focus in Interval and Instance

Research output: Contribution to conferenceOtherpeer-review


Interval and Instance (2018-19) is a solo audio-visual work by composer/performer Jules Rawlinson exploring speed, motion and scale in archival material from the pioneering scientific filmmaker Eric Lucey, adding structured, extemporised live electronics to a fixed soundtrack that reflects on and responds to Lucey’s studies.

Referencing concepts by Michel Chion, Chris Watson, Bill Nichols and others, the presentation will begin with an overview of Interval and Instance, before moving to address compositional and sound design approaches to particular sections, and ending with a discussion of how the work developed from a single screen, stereo performance to multi-screen, multichannel performance, with a consideration of performance practices in staging the work.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 8 Sept 2020
EventRoyal Musical Association 56th Annual Conference -
Duration: 8 Sept 202010 Sept 2020
Conference number: 56


ConferenceRoyal Musical Association 56th Annual Conference
Internet address


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