Spatial consequences of biogas production and agricultural changes in the Czech Republic after EU accession: Mutual symbiosis, coexistence or parasitism?

Stanislav Martinat, Peter Dvorak (Publisher), Bohumil Frantal, Petr Klusacek, Josef Kunc, Marian Kulla, Tatiana Mintalova, Josef Navratil, Dan van der Horst

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

Renewable sources of energies and its support have been recently experiencing wide public debate in the Czech Republic that varies from agreement to complete denial. Nevertheless support from national and EU
sources is factor that heavily influenced dynamic development of this sector in last decade. Anaerobic digesti-on plants are one of options for production of renewable energies (biogas in this case) that have experienced next to solar plants the most important increase of its installed capacities. This contribution
first aims to analyse phenomenon of anaerobic digestion plants, its legal, strategic support, supporting financial incentives, individual types of such plants, and secondly based on available statistical data to analyse spatial distribution of agricultural anaerobic digestion plants. On basis of comparison of data for increasing biogas production and declining agriculture in regions of the Czech Republic basic consequences are deduced. In context of
spatial distribution of agricultural anaerobic digestion plants structures of sowing areas and intensities of animal husbandry are shortly discussed. We can conclude that agricultural anaerobic digestion plants have been increasingly influencing the structure of sowing areas of agriculture of the Czech Republic and such facilities are in both agricultural sector and wide society perceived more as alternative source of income than contribution to environment protection, limitations for greenhouse gases production and climate change.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)75-92
JournalActa Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultas Rerum Naturalium Geograhica
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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