SpotLight – An Open RAN anomaly detection and identification system

Chuanhao Sun, Ujjwal Pawar, Molham Khoja, Xenofon Foukas, Mahesh K. Marina, Bozidar Radunovic

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

The Open RAN architecture, featuring disaggregated and virtualized RAN functions communicating over standardized interfaces, promises a diverse, multi-vendor ecosystem. However, these features also increase operational complexity, complicating the troubleshooting of RAN performance issues and failures. Addressing this challenge requires a reliable, explainable anomaly detection method, which Open RAN currently lacks. To address this problem, we have developed SpotLight, a tailored distributed deep learning method running across the edge and cloud. SpotLight continuously detects and localizes anomalies by analyzing a diverse, fine-grained stream of metrics from the RAN and platform. It employs a novel multi-stage generative model to identify potential anomalies at the edge using a lightweight algorithm, followed by anomaly confirmation and an explainability phase in the cloud, which pinpoints the minimal set of KPIs responsible for the anomaly.In this demo, using a carrier-grade indoor Open RAN testbed with configurable anomaly event generation and replay, we highlight (1) the difficulty of troubleshooting problems in Open RAN and (2) accurate, efficient, and explainable online anomaly detection with SpotLight and corresponding visualization in comparison with prior art.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2 Oct 2024
EventThe 30th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking - Washington, D.C., United States
Duration: 18 Nov 202422 Nov 2024


ConferenceThe 30th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking
Abbreviated titleMobiCom 2024
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityWashington, D.C.
Internet address


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