SPRINT v1.0.5 Software Release

Eilidh Troup (Developer), Thorsten Forster (Developer), Terence Sloan (Other), Luis Cebamanos (Developer), Peter Ghazal (Other)

Research output: Non-textual formSoftware

Abstract / Description of output

SPRINT (Simple Parallel R INTerface) is a parallel framework for R. It provides a High Performance Computing (HPC) harness which allow R scripts to run on HPC clusters. SPRINT contains a library of selected R functions that have been parallelized. Functions are named after the original R function with the added prefix 'p', i.e. the parallel version of cor() in SPRINT is called pcor(). Call to the parallel R functions are included directly in standard R scripts.

This update:
- Adds pstringdistmatrix(), which computes (in this version) the Hamming distance between any strings (e.g. nucleotide bases, Next Gen Sequencing short reads).
- Makes SPRINT compliant with MPI3 (and the latest version of the mpich package)
- Provides simplified installation instructions
- Other bug fixes and updates (see User Guide)
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEdinburgh
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2013


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