Statistical Analysis of Indoor Multipath Channels Based on Ray Tracing Analysis

David Laurenson, S. McLaughlin

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

Abstract / Description of output

Indoor mobile radio communications have become an area of great interest asthe push for the universal personal communication (UPC) environment becomesmore intense. Although the basis of electromagnetic propagation is well knownthrough application of Maxwell's equations, the relationship between propagationand building structures is not well de ned. This situation arises as the applicationof Maxwell's equations to objects that are not simple structures becomes non-trivialas de nition of appropriate boundary conditions becomes highly complex. Using a ray tracing model, this paper will show how such a model may be used toextract statistical information on a channel, and more signi cantly, how the propaga-tion mechanisms underlying particular distributions observed in the practical envir-onment can be identi ed and isolated. The model is a deterministic one based on thetheory of images, with extensions to cover the e ects of di raction around corners. Results from the ray tracing model are presented in the form of standard twodimensional probability functions, and also in a three dimensional format. The latteris applicable to the multipath environment experienced in indoor communicationsas the wideband characteristics of the channel are not easily represented in a twodimensional format. The results show that the interaction between multipath com-ponents, in particular their phase relationships, form the basis of the probabilitydistributions experienced in the practical environment.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIEEE/IEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Methods in Multipath Environments
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 1995


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