Strangeness Contribution to the Proton Spin from Lattice QCD

Roger Horsley, James Zanotti, Gunnar Bali, Yoshifumi Nakamura, Sara Collins, Meinulf Gockeler, Andrea Nobile, Dirk Pleiter, Paul Rakow, Andreas Schafer, Gerrit Schierholz

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We compute the strangeness and light-quark contributions Δs, Δu, and Δd to the proton spin in nf=2 lattice QCD at a pion mass of about 285 MeV and at a lattice spacing a≈0.073fm, using the nonperturbatively improved Sheikholeslami-Wohlert Wilson action. We carry out the renormalization of these matrix elements, which involves mixing between contributions from different quark flavors. Our main result is the small negative value ΔsMS¯(7.4GeV)=-0.020(10)(4) of the strangeness contribution to the nucleon spin. The second error is an estimate of the uncertainty, due to the missing extrapolation to the physical point.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)222001
Number of pages5
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number22
Publication statusPublished - 30 May 2012


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