Structure, content and evolution: Exploring the networks of female entrepreneurs in technology-based firms in Jordan

Wejdan Alakaleek, Sarah Cooper

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

This paper seeks to explore how the structure and content of the networks developed by Jordanian female entrepreneurs in technology-based firms develops through the start-up and early growth stages. The work investigates these elements within a Middle Eastern society which constitutes an environment and context about which there is a dearth of studies. Findings are reported and theoretical model presented from the qualitative study which used in-depth interviews with the female entrepreneurs who had founded 10 technology-based firms, to investigate aspects which include the structural dimensions and content of the network ties, and how these evolve during the early stages of the firm development process. The study reveals some differences in the Jordanian case from findings obtained from studies of western female entrepreneurs, particularly in terms of the type of actors who were utilised to access resources and support at different points in the business development process.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventACERE International Entrepreneurship Conference 2016 - Queensland, Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 2 Feb 20165 Feb 2016


ConferenceACERE International Entrepreneurship Conference 2016
CityGold Coast


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