Suppression of Sequential Charge Transitions in Ca0.5Bi0.5FeO3 via B-Site Cobalt Substitution

Fabio Denis Romero, Peng Xiong, Midori Amano Patino, Takashi Saito, Paula Kayser, J. Paul Attfield, Yuichi Shimakawa

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The perovskite Ca0.5Bi0.5FeO3 containing unusually high valent Fe3.5+ undergoes sequentially charge disproportionation (CD) of the Fe centres and intersite charge transfer (CT) between Bi and Fe. From structural, magnetic, and transport property characterization, we found that substitution of Fe with Co occurs isoelectronically to form Ca0.5Bi0.5 3+(Fe1−xCox)3.5+O3 and destabilizes the CD state. This results in materials exhibiting only intermetallic charge transfer behaviour in the region 0.01 < x < 0.67. The CT transitions for these materials only involves Fe3.5+ whereas Co remains in the 3.5+ oxidation state at all temperatures. The doped Co3.5+ ions give Pauli-paramagnetic like conducting behavior. The Co-doping effect is very different from that observed in CaFe1−xCoxO3. The charge transition behavior of Fe3.5+ in the present system are also in contrast to those in Ca0.5Bi0.5FeO3 and Sr0.5Bi0.5FeO3
Original languageEnglish
JournalChemistry of Materials
Early online date12 Jul 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 12 Jul 2018


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