The Cult of Fortuna

Zoe Walker (Photographer), Neil Bromwich (Artist), John Kenny (Composer)

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition

Abstract / Description of output

A site responsive research project that took, as it’s starting point artefacts from the ancient Roman Cult of Fortuna displayed in the National Museum of Scotland. The work explores perceptions of luck and chance. The subsequent participatory event ' The Cult of Fortuna' took the form of a ritual that bestows luck on those inducted into the Cult. Audiences who took part in this work engaged with elements of chance, trust and risk taking that are all part of how we might define luck or ‘lucky breaks’. Audience own perceptions of 'belief', 'luck' and how they might 'wish' their own future's were challenged through engaging in the work.
Methodology: the work consisted of, a 12 meter hight inflatable sculpture in the from of both a temple and statue to the Goddess Fortuna, a repeating 12 minute live performance with 7 actresses's and 2 musicians, specially commissioned costumes and a new score by John Kenny musical archaeologist . Over 100 members of the public donned costumes and took part in the ritual during the Hogmanay Arts Festival in Edinburgh.
Original languageEnglish
Size12 Meters High by 12 meters square
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2013
EventHogmanay 2013 - Arts Festival - National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh , United Kingdom
Duration: 30 Dec 20081 Jan 2014

Keywords / Materials (for Non-textual outputs)

  • live participatory event
  • Sculpture
  • Performance


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