The impact of breed and tissue compartment on the response of pig macrophages to lipopolysaccharide

Ronan Kapetanovic, Lynsey Fairbairn, Alison Downing, Dario Beraldi, David P Sester, Tom C Freeman, Christopher K Tuggle, Alan L Archibald, David A Hume

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

The draft genome of the domestic pig (Sus scrofa) has recently been published permitting refined analysis of the transcriptome. Pig breeds have been reported to differ in their resistance to infectious disease. In this study we examine whether there are corresponding differences in gene expression in innate immune cells RESULTS: We demonstrate that macrophages can be harvested from three different compartments of the pig (lungs, blood and bone-marrow), cryopreserved and subsequently recovered and differentiated in CSF-1. We have performed surface marker analysis and gene expression profiling on macrophages from these compartments, comparing twenty-five animals from five different breeds and their response to lipopolysaccharide. The results provide a clear distinction between alveolar macrophages (AM) and monocyte-derived (MDM) and bone-marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM). In particular, the lung macrophages express the growth factor, FLT1 and its ligand, VEGFA at high levels, suggesting a distinct pathway of growth regulation. Relatively few genes showed breed-specific differential expression, notably CXCR2 and CD302 in alveolar macrophages. In contrast, there was substantial inter-individual variation between pigs within breeds, mostly affecting genes annotated as being involved in immune responses.
Original languageEnglish
Article number581
JournalBMC Genomics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 28 Aug 2013


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