title = "The Magazine: January",
abstract = "The Magazine: A Novel in 12 Parts. Parts 1&2: January & February Alan Mason - published by the Caseroom Press,September 2013,180pp ISBN 978-1-905821-1-17-4 ",
author = "Alan Mason",
note = "In essence the project forms the culmination of several years work on an illustrated novel which takes the form of a Victorian compendium divided into twelve 'monthly' sections. This is part of an ongoing investigation into ideas of serial artwork,prompted in the first instance by work undertaken in my professional career as an animator and graphic designer. Having been employed in both the making of films with an Persistent Vision Animation and as an art editor of the West Coast Magazine and Harpies and Quines (ed.Lesley Riddoch) I was struck by the similarities between the two forms and in parallels that could be drawn with the serial nature of an earlier form,the Victorian illustrated magazine: how the whole is represented by the part,and how a great deal of the narrative takes place off the page (or in the case of film-making,off-screen.) My first novel 'Melodrama' (Taranis Books 1997) touched on aspects of this and it's a subject that has continued to fascinate me in both my teaching and literary careers. Extracts from The magazine having first appeared in 'Labyrinths: The Journal of Electronic Post Modernism' (ed. Mac Daly/University of Nottingham/Zoilus Press 2002) I was approached by The Caseroom Press and the Text and Sequential Narratives Research Group (Lincoln University) who expressed an interest in publishing the first two parts of the work in question. The book itself is both a pastiche of and a commentary on the literary styles of that period and the technology that sustained it,and a commentary on the attitudes and approaches of that time,incorporating both an explicit and implied narrative through the medium of the text and accompanying illustrations. ",
year = "2013",
month = sep,
language = "English",
isbn = "9781905821174 ",
publisher = "Caseroom Press ",