The Margins of Citizenship

Philip Cook (Editor), Jonathan Seglow (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook

Abstract / Description of output

Citizenship is a central concept in political philosophy, bridging theory and practice and marking out those who belong and who share a common civic status. The injustices suffered by immigrants, disabled people, the economically inactive and others have been extensively catalogued, but their disadvantages have generally been conceptualised in social and/or economic terms, less commonly in terms of their status as members of the polity and hardly ever together, as a group.

This volume seeks to investigate the partial citizenship which these groups share and in doing so to reflect upon civic marginalisation as a distinct kind of normative wrong. For example, it is not often considered that children, though their lack of civic and political rights are marginal citizens and thus have something in common with other marginalised groups. Each of the book’s chapters explores some theoretical or practical aspect of marginal citizenship, and the volume as a whole engages with pressing debates in law and political theory, such as the limits of democratic inclusion, the character of social justice, the integration of migrants, and the enfranchisement of prisoners and children.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
Number of pages168
ISBN (Electronic)9781315541044
ISBN (Print)9780415685658
Publication statusPublished - 2 Aug 2013

Keywords / Materials (for Non-textual outputs)

  • citizenship
  • justice
  • democracy
  • migrants
  • children
  • prisoners
  • disability


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