The ReCCEL toolbox: A response to carbon reduction challenges in the UK construction industry

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

The ReCCEL project analyses the feasibility of low-carbon delivery on major infrastructure projects, particularly through more widespread adoption of telematics and telemetry technologies and services. The project is led by Costain, one of UK's leaders in construction engineering solutions. The project team also features the University of Edinburgh and Cenex, the UK’s Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and Fuel Cell Technologies. By focusing on a portfolio of Costain’s major infrastructure projects currently ongoing in the UK, the ReCCEL team mapped current construction processes and elicited existing barriers to the fully integrated, low-carbon construction supply chain. The aim of this talk is to illustrate open challenges that have been identified in the course of the project. We will be focusing on the suite of OR decision support tools that the project team are currently developing to leverage live information feeds from telematics/telemetry systems, available on construction plant and vehicle fleets normally employed in construction sites and quarries, into enhanced decision making. Particular relevance will be given to the stochastic aspects of our optimisation problems, models and solution algorithms.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2016
Event28th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2016) - Poznan, Poland
Duration: 3 Jul 20166 Jul 2016


Conference28th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2016)


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