The role of Intelectin-2 in resistance to Ascaris suum lung larval burdens in susceptible and resistant mouse strains

Christina Dold, Alan D. Pemberton, Peter Stafford, Celia V. Holland, Jerzy M. Behnke

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The underlying mechanism of predisposition to Ascaris infection is not yet understood but host genetics are thought to play a fundamental role. We investigated the association between the Intelectin-2 gene and resistance in F-2 mice derived from mouse strains known to be susceptible and resistant to infection. Ascaris larvae were isolated from murine lungs and the number of copies of the Intelectin-2 gene was determined in F-2 mice. Intelectin-2 gene copy number was not significantly linked to larval burden. In a pilot experiment, the response to infection in parental mice of both sexes was observed in order to address the suitablity of female F-2 mice. No overall significant sex effect was detected. However, a divergence in resistance/susceptibility status was observed between male and, female hybrid offspring. The responsiveness to Ascaris in mice is likely to be controlled by multiple genes and, despite a unique absence from the susceptible C57BL/6j strain, the Intelectin-2 gene does not play a significant role in resistance. The observed intra-strain variation in larval burden requires further investigation but we hypothesize that it stems from social/dominance hierarchies created by the presence of female mice and possibly subsequent hormonal perturbations that modify the intensity of the immune response.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)660-669
Number of pages10
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2011


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