The signal transducer IL6ST (gp130) as a predictive and 2 prognostic biomarker in breast cancer

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Abstract: Novel biomarkers are needed to continue to improve breast cancer clinical management and outcome. IL6-like cytokines, whose pleiotropic functions include roles in many hallmarks of malignancy, rely on the signal transducer IL6ST (gp130) for all their signalling. To date, 10 separate independent studies based on the analysis of clinical breast cancer samples have identified IL6ST as a predictor. Consistent findings suggest that IL6ST is a positive prognostic factor and is associated with ER status. Interestingly, these studies include 4 multigene signatures (EndoPredict, EER4, IRSN-23 and 42GC) that incorporate IL6ST to predict risk of recurrence or outcome from endocrine or chemotherapy. Here we review the existing evidence on the promising predictive and prognostic value of IL6ST. We also discuss how this potential could be further translated into clinical practice beyond the EndoPredict tool, which is already available in the clinic. The most promising route to further exploit IL6ST’s promising predicting power will likely be through additional hybrid multifactor signatures that allow for more robust stratification of ER+ breast tumours into discrete groups with distinct outcomes, thus enabling greater refinement of the treatment-selection process
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of personalized medicine
Early online date29 Jun 2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 29 Jun 2021


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