The Tower / Jesse Jones: Exhibition Guide

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

Abstract / Description of output

Jesse Jones' work has developed alongside seismic shifts in Ireland's cultural and political landscape. Returning to Edinburgh after five years, when she presented Tremble Tremble at Talbot Rice Gallery as part of Ireland's progressive abortion-rights debate. The Tower addresses the power of the female imaginary through the work of medieval devotional mystics.

In The Tower, Jones returns to the duration, performative installation as an exhibition form and resurrects her collaboration with Olwen Fouéré. Starring Naomi Moonveld-Nkosi and an ensemble of teenage performers, the work casts the exploration of ancient feminism deeper back in time, to thirteenth-century female mystics and heretics. Jones probes a moment in history that provided the "curtain opener" to what she describes as the "misogyny tsunami" of the witch trials. Jones' research is grounded in the history of female oppression, trusts in the potential of art to ignite our collective imaginary and asks, who came before the witches?
Original languageEnglish
PublisherTalbot Rice Gallery
Number of pages12
ISBN (Print)978-1-7390838-2-3
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jun 2023


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