The use of Interactive technologies for education in pandemic and post-pandemic contexts: Design implications

Duarte Sousa, Pedro Campos, Sonia Matos

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

Abstract / Description of output

This study investigates COVID-19's impact on the education system. It captures a multidimensional representation of teachers, students, and parents' use of information communication technologies (ICTs) to mitigate this disruption caused by school closures. The study analyzes the evolving influences on individual and collective behaviour amid the pandemic. The methods consisted of a 5-week longitudinal study that included a survey and multiple interviews with the three stakeholder groups. The qualitative and quantitative data yielded the analysis of ICTs usage before and during social confinement. Further to our analysis, we categorize and discuss our findings. We also interpret results to capture design implications and generate a new concept for design. To finalize, we identified students' learning loss and learning variability as pressing issues, despite the availability of technological mediums. We believe that a collaborative learning system could mitigate such a challenge. We believe that such a system could connect students to a teaching community and imbue a sense of togetherness within the context of distance education.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCHItaly 2021
Subtitle of host publication14th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (CHItaly ’21), July 11–13, 2021, Bolzano, Italy
EditorsAntonella De Angeli, Luca Chittaro, Rosella Gennari, Maria De Marsico, Alessandra Melonio, Cristina Gena, Luigi De Russis, Lucio Davide Spano
Number of pages7
ISBN (Print)9781450389778
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jul 2021


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