Tracking MEP installation works

Frédéric Bosché, Yelda Turkan, Carl T. Haas, Tiziana Chiamone, Giorgio Vassena, Angelo Ciribini

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

Recent research efforts to improve construction progress tracking has focused on employing emerging technologies such as three dimensional (3D) imaging, including digital photogrammetry and 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS). Previous research has shown that “Scan-vs-BIM” object recognition systems, which fuse 3D TLS and 4D project BIM, provide valuable information for tracking structural works. However, until now these systems have focused on tracking progress for permanent structures only; none of them has considered progress of secondary or temporary structures. In the context of structural concrete work, temporary structures include formwork, scaffolding and shoring, while secondary components include rebar. The value of tracking temporary and secondary elements is that it would add veracity and detail to the progress tracking process, and consequently to billing. This paper presents two different techniques for detecting concrete construction secondary and temporary objects in TLS point clouds, one of which is based on a Scan-vs-BIM object recognition system. Both techniques are tested using real-life data collected from a reinforced concrete building construction site. The preliminary experimental results show that it is feasible to detect and track secondary and temporary objects in 3D TLS point clouds with high accuracy. This will help to improve progress estimation and tracking.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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