Ultrasonic Cutting Device for Bone Surgery Based on a Cymbal Transducer

F. Bejarano, M. Lucas, R. Wallace, A.m. Spadaccino, H. Simpson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In this study, we introduce a new prototype ultrasonic cutting device for bone surgery based on a class V flextensional cymbal transducer, configured for use in power ultrasonics applications, which removes many of the geometrical restrictions on the cutting tip of Langevin-based transducers. The benefit of incorporating a cymbal transducer is that since the cutting blade itself
does not have to be tuned, blade design can focus more closely on delivering the best interaction with bone to provide a highly accurate cut. Small variations to the geometry of the blade do not affect the final resonance frequency. Also the ultrasonic device can be miniaturised to allow the design of devices for delicate orthopaedic procedures involving minimal-access surgery. The
results show how the cymbal transducer, driven by a single piezoceramic disc, can excite sufficiently high vibration displacement amplitudes at lower driving voltages. This is achieved by adapting the configuration of the cymbal to remove the problem of epoxy layer debonding, and by optimising the cymbal end-cap and geometry through finite element modelling supported with
experimental vibration characterisation. Preliminary characterisations of the resulting prototype ultrasonic bone cutting device, which operates at around 25 kHz, illustrate the success of this novel device design.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)120-126
JournalPhysics Procedia
Early online date23 Apr 2015
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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