Understanding information needs of patients with asthma in the United Kingdom

Kirstie McClatchey, Tracy Jackson

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

Introduction: The 5.4 million people in the UK living with asthma need accessible, trustworthy information to support and supplement the self-management advice they receive from their healthcare professional (HCP). We aimed to explore the information resources patients use, what they find useful, where they receive support and advice, and how HCPs can support patients to access information.

Methods: 151 asthma patients registered with the REgister for Asthma researCH (REACH) were invited to participate in an online survey.

Results: 95 people competed the survey (female=65). Most (22%) were aged 36-45 years, and most perceived their asthma symptoms as ‘moderate’ (42%). Perceptions of information needs being met were split: 46% stated that most/all their needs were met; 54% felt only some/few were met. GPs were a source of asthma information for 76%; half of whom considered that GP information about asthma and how to manage it was adequate. 61% visited websites; 26% called the Asthma UK helpline; 25% visit the pharmacist. Other suggestions included: provision of leaflets/online information, information about causes and triggers of asthma, and how to improve symptoms. Importantly, patients wanted personalised information.

Conclusions: To support patients to self-manage their asthma, HCPs should highlight and provide available information. Further efforts should be made to personalise asthma information provision. The IMP2ART project has created a website focused on patient needs (www.livingwithasthma.org.uk) incorporating the findings.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 28 Oct 2020
EventEuropean Respiratory Society International Congress - Virtual
Duration: 6 Sept 20209 Sept 2020


ConferenceEuropean Respiratory Society International Congress
Internet address


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