User Experiences of an Electronic Personal Health Record for Diabetes

Nicholas Thomas Conway, Brian Allardice, Deborah Jane Wake, Scott Gordon Cunningham

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

BACKGROUND:: My Diabetes My Way (MDMW) is an electronic personal health record (ePHR) that provides access to educational resources and clinical data to people with diabetes in Scotland. This questionnaire study aims to assess user experience, barriers to access, and inform future development.

METHODS:: All active MDMW users (n = 3797) were invited to complete an online questionnaire in May 2015, surveying usage patterns and system utility. A "utility score" was calculated, based on responses to Likert-scale questions and used as the dependent variable within regression analysis, with demographic features as independent predictors. Free-text responses were analyzed thematically and presented using descriptive statistics.

RESULTS:: A total of 1095/3797 (27.5%) active users completed the survey. Of them, 690/1095 (63%) were male. There was representation of all age and socioeconomic groups. Respondents were positive regarding the system utility, which met expectations. The majority of respondents believed that online access to diabetes information has the potential to improve diabetes self-care within the population. The most valued features were personal clinical data associated visualizations. Th main problems cited were data accuracy and system access (ie, log-in procedure). Perceived usefulness of the system was inversely associated with duration of diabetes, which was the only significant predictor of utility score.

CONCLUSIONS:: This study has demonstrated that MDMW users find the system useful in supporting diabetes self-management. The system was found to have greatest utility among those most recently diagnosed with diabetes. This study has informed further development of the service, including enhancing data visualization and the need to improve access to the system.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1932296818818837
JournalJournal of Diabetes Science and Technology
Early online date26 Dec 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 26 Dec 2018


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