Vierkant: Response to Commentaries

Research output: Other contribution

Abstract / Description of output

I am very grateful to Gloria Andrada, Paulius Rimkevicius and Ting Huang for their very insightful comments. I hope that my replies will help to clarify some of the issues raised and stimulate further discussion.
Let me begin by addressing Andrada’s very important worry that my distinction between direct and indirect components in belief acquisition processes is not as clear as it could be and that it is also not clear why it is as central as I make it out to be. Perhaps, as she writes, all that this distinction marks is a phenomenological difference. It feels to us as if belief acquisition events happen to us automatically, but does this mean there really is a genuine difference in process?
Original languageEnglish
TypeResponse to commentaries
Media of outputBlog post
PublisherThe Brains Blog
Publication statusPublished - 13 Oct 2023


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