Voice, Monstrosity and Flaying: Anish Kapoor’s Marsyas as a Silent Sound Work

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This paper examines the relation between visual and acoustic monstrosity as articulated in the myth of the musical contest waged between Apollo and Marsyas. Drawing upon Jean-Pierre Vernant’s writing on the gorgon, the paper notes how Marsyas’ playing of the instrument is positioned within a mimetics of monstrosity that lead back to Medusa. The paper demonstrates how the punishment of flaying subsequently exacted by the god upon the vanquished satyr has stood as a kind of limit condition of what sight can bear, a thematic that returns us to Medusa herself. Citing Zbigniew Herbert’s poem, “Apollo and Marsyas” (1961), in which the petrifying visual effect of the gorgon becomes transferred onto Marsyas’ howl, a new reading of Anish Kapoor’s installation Marsyas (2002) is developed, which reads it – in its overwhelming visual phonicity – as a silent sound work.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)93-104
Number of pages12
JournalArchitectural Theory Review
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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