VUV excitation of a vibrational wavepacket in D2 measured through strong-field dissociative ionisation

A R Bainbridge, J Harrington, W A Bryan, C Cacho, R. A. Minns, Adam Kirrander, I C E Turcu, E A Springate

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

Femtosecond vacuum ultraviolet pulses from a monochromated high harmonic generation source excite vibrational wavepackets in the B1Σ+g state of D2. The wavepacket motion is measured through strong field ionisation in to bound and dissociative ion states yielding D+2 and D+ products. The time dependence of the D+2 and D+ ion signals show significant differences due to the different ionisation rates into the bound and dissociative curves, providing a sensitive fingerprint of the quantum nuclear wavepacket. The experiments are modelled with excitation and ionisation processes included explicitly, and shows a very good agreement with the experimental observations. The experiment demonstrates the level of detail attainable when studying ultrafast quantum nuclear dynamics using high harmonic sources.
Original languageEnglish
Article number103013
JournalNew Journal of Physics
Publication statusPublished - 8 Oct 2015


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