W-Z Divisible City

Research output: Book/ReportBook


In W-Z Divisible City, a series of stories about cities are told, tories that come together to make up a complex narration of a single place. Envisioned as a companion to 'Warszawa: projects for the post-socialist city' (Edinburgh 2009), this volume - part fiction, part picture book, part urban guide – builds up from a sequence of texts and images through whose interplay the enigmatic life of a contemporary city can be glimpsed. Produced by graduate students of the Master of Architecture programme at The University of Edinburgh as a reflective study in fieldwork, this assemblage of texts and images offers a new kind of portrait of the city, constantly escaping us even as we grasp it, one that shows how the openness of the quotidian can engage the imagination. This kaleidoscopic 'travelogue', a homage to Italo Calvino's thoughts about cities, documented glimpses of Warsaw visited in October 2007. Gathered together for this volume more than a decade later, it became a recollection, no longer an archive of impressions that informed the studio projects for the post-socialist city, but a collective afterimage of a singular moment in time. This assemblage is opened onto the continuing transformations of Warsaw by a series of returns that revisit images, texts, objects and places in and of the city, setting in motion new readings and new forms and sites of inquiry. W-Z Divisible City will be important for those with an interest in representation and the city and, more specifically, with the role of image and narrative in the process of urban and architectural design.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEdinburgh
PublisherWedge Publications
Number of pages120
ISBN (Print)9780955970634
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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