What parents and professionals working with children and young people can do about animal abuse

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


This chapter considers what parents and professionals working with children and young people can do to prevent and intervene in cases of animal abuse. We start in the home with a focus on parents and carers and what we can do in our everyday lives with children to promote positive behaviour towards animals and to prevent and intervene when incidents of animal abuse occur. The chapter then focuses on teachers and how in our teaching practice we can incorporate animal welfare and compassionate behaviour towards animals. Focusing on animals and animal welfare can be a vehicle to attain other learning objectives (e.g., literacy and numeracy). Teachers also have a role in supporting children's wellbeing and intervening in cases of animal abuse as this can be an indicator of other issues the child is facing. Social workers have a key role in supporting children's and families’ welfare and often have a role in supporting families in crisis or experiencing domestic abuse. We outline why social workers should be concerned about animal abuse and things you can do in social work practice to support the children and animals involved. Finally, we turn attention to health and mental health professionals, and highlight the important roles that mental health professionals have in identifying and intervening in animal abuse.

The aims of the chapter are to: 1) highlight the importance of paying attention to childhood animal abuse, 2) suggest ways you can incorporate animal abuse prevention into your practice and 3) suggest approaches for intervening in cases of childhood animal abuse and highlight the benefits of inter-agency working.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationUnderstanding Animal Abuse and How to Intervene with Children and Young People
EditorsGilly Ferreira, Joanne Williams
Place of PublicationLondon
Number of pages17
ISBN (Electronic)9781003165552
ISBN (Print)9780367761110, 9780367761134
Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2023


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