Worship and devotion in multiconfessional Scotland, 1686–9

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


This chapter examines worship and devotion among Episcopalians and Catholics during this Revolutionary period in confessional relations and argues that multiconfessional competition encouraged churchmen to emphasise and defend the beliefs and practices that distinguished their religious group from the others. The circumstances of the Restoration settlement had entailed that Episcopalian worship was in most aspects similar to that of the Presbyterians, particularly in the absence of a formal liturgy. But in their sermons, and in the theology underlying their preaching, Episcopalians had developed a different tone, less rigid in doctrinal certainties, more sympathetic to patristic and ancient wisdom, and increasingly open to the strands of English theological writing that emphasised free will and a holy life. The chapter begins by considering the growing interest in liturgical worship in the Episcopalian Church of the 1680s and then, in the second section, turns to the books and pamphlets published to promote one confessional tradition over another, including the striking development of James VII’s reign was the setting up of a Catholic printing press at Holyroodhouse.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationScottish Liturgical Traditions and Religious Politics
Subtitle of host publicationFrom Reformers to Jacobites, 1540–1764
EditorsAllan I. Macinnes, Patricia Barton, Kieran Geramn
PublisherEdinburgh University Press
ISBN (Electronic)9781474483087, 9781474483070
ISBN (Print)9781474483056
Publication statusPublished - 21 May 2021

Publication series

NameScottish Religious Cultures: Historical Perspectives

Keywords / Materials (for Non-textual outputs)

  • Episcopacy
  • worship
  • Restoration
  • pamphlets


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